Why, hello there! I'm Carmen Richter, an independent romance author who writes as a labor of love. I write angsty, steamy contemporary romance featuring swoony cinnamon roll heroes (and heroines!) who would do anything for the people they love. I live for the salty tears of my readers...but I promise to always give you a happily ever after with tons of cavity-inducing sweetness to make up for the heartache!

When I’m not writing, I love watching movies and attending concerts and live theater...or just staying in and binging Criminal Minds or Law and Order: SVU for the zillionth time. I live in the Kansas City area with my boyfriend, Brett, and our fur babies, a bunny named Marty and a cat named Mal.

I love interacting with my readers and will happily respond to all messages personally until I get uber famous and get a ton of them. (Hey, a girl can dream, right?)

In addition to writing, I have two branches of a business that aims to make book expenses affordable for all authors. CPR Editing focuses on the stuff inside your book: editing, proofreading, and interior formatting. CPR Designs focuses on, well, designs: logos and branding, covers, teasers, and graphics for social media.

Please look around to learn more about me, my books, and my services for fellow authors.
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